Yo Yo Yo! Matt and I had such a busy fun-filled weekend, full of lots and lots of girl things! :) Friday however, we managed to sneak in one awesome unisex event, Longview’s first football game!! Ash & Philip went out of town on opening weekend, and we were able to snag their tickets, so Matt and I headed off for some Lobo football early friday evening! Longview was playing the Allen Eagles {who WON the State 5A title last year} We were ranked 1 in 4A, while Allen was ranked 2 in 5A..we knew going in the game was going to be good, but we never expected just how good it ended up. The game was sold-out, so there were tons and tons of people when we arrived. The first half was pretty depressing, Longview just couldn’t hold on to the ball..we never could catch a break, and Allen’s quarterback was on FIRE! At half, the score was Allen 17, Longivew 0!! Matt even asked if we could leave at halftime!!! The halftime show was a sight to see in itself, Allen’s band seriously stretched from one end of the field to the other, HUGE I tell ya..amazing! Longview’s..well, let’s just say, it’s not how I remember, for sure not how it was when we were still in school! The Lobos came out with a bang in the third quarter, and by the fourth, my husband was running down aisles high-fiving fans!!! :) It was CRAZY good, as we ended the game Allen 25, Longview 28!!! I just love going to Lobo games, the fans are soooo into their team, as were we, Cody-Mel-& Brennan were also at the game, and Mel said, “Man, I was even cheering like I was from Longview!”..awesome Lobos! Such a GREAT GAME!! “When we say Longview, you say LOBOS” :)
Saturday morning, bright and early, I headed out to Lake Cherokee for one of my dear girlfriends from highschool, Amanda’s first baby shower! Amanda is due to have Colson arrive early October, and Beth-Addie-and Ashleigh (her sister) hosted such a lovely shower in honor of her!
Amanda, Gin (whose due with sweet Reese, late December) Ash, Kendrah, & Olivia
Addie & Allie (10 weeks) love her!
Gifts from me.. Holly close your eyes through this part! ;)
The boppy Holly & G-Ma Nelson got Colson, Since Holly’s due with Ainsley in less than 3 weeks, she couldn’t make the trip in, so I took pics, so she could feel like she was there! :)
The sweet babies, just one more time! :)
After the shower, I had to head back home in a hurry, to get changed, grab Matt & Colleen, so that we could all head out to Diana, for Addi’s 3RD Princess Birthday Party!! That’s right, my sweet little Angel turned THREE on Saturday, the 29th!! I can’t believe how big she’s gotten, and how fast it’s gone by. I still remember..
On her first birthday..
On her second birthday..
..and on her third birthday..
princess just couldn’t wait long to open her gifts, so that was first on the party list! :) Her BFF Lauren, helped out ALOT! ;)
my grandfather, Pop, got Addi this purse a couple of months ago that I was supposed to have monogrammed and given to her, but procrastinator me, didn’t. So when I went to have Amanda’s gifts monogrammed, I took the purse to have Addi’s name put on it, and what do you know, this was her favorite gift!! She carried that purse everywhere with her the rest of the day!! Pop’s gonna be soo proud!! :)
PawPaw Sammy, Jennifer, Donna, PawPaw Daryl
Cody debuted his “recent addition” for public viewing at Addi’s party that day.. Back in Destin, Cody brought home a little souvenir.. ugh, what a loser!! ;)
yep, that’s an “F” for Ferguson, and a “B & A” for Brennan and Addison..classy. :-)
Mel and her best friend, Brandy!
Nanny Colleen, such a hit with the youngin’s!! :)
Once the party concluded, Matt, Colleen, and I stayed for the afterparty! :) I had invited all my girls from the shower to bring all their kiddos over for a swimparty! I had such a fun time watching all the babies, and their MOMS being mommies!! :) Although us girls, didn’t really have a chance to talk and catch-up, we all still had a wonderful evening! Thanks girls for coming over..I always have the best time when we get together, I just wish some of you lived closer!!! Get those husbands some jobs in View-Town!! :) {and fyi..Smalls you were missed!}
Colleen, Aubrey, & Olivia (Kendrah’s babies)
I LOVE this picture!! Look at Faye’s face, and Jackson is just a chillin’..yeah right mom, you’re going to have to get IN!
Addi didn’t really have anything to do with the swimming, she’d rather play and play dress up!
The dad’s ;) ..remember, this ones for the girls!! (Philip & Brad)
Addie, Allie, Kendrah, & Ashley
Missy had to work, but she really was there that day too..here’s her pics to prove it!!
All in All, I think this little.. had a fabulous Princess 3rd birthday party!!
On Sunday, Matt and I went over to his parents house, had lunch, and played on the lake with them and the Funder5..the weather is starting to get sooooo nice, I just hope it sticks around until fall!! LOVE it!!
Until Next Time!!