..is actually a song from the Broadway musical “Promises, Promises”..who knew?! Awesome!! :) Anywho..HOW is it December already??!! Seriously.
Matt and I enjoyed a very busy, action packed, fun-filled, friends and family spent, good ole’ extended weekend! It all started on Wednesday. Matt had the day off, so him and his dad and Clay all headed to lake fork to play golf, (have I mentioned how much I HATE golf??!!) I had to work! Luckily I got to leave a little early around 4ish, and I just caught up on some TIVO, and waited for Mattie to get home. We went to dinner at Outback that night, and made a mad dash to WalMart to pick up a few items for Thanksgiving day. Thursday (Turkey Day), I awoke and got busy in the kitchen, making corn casserole and sopapilla chessecake (this will make more sense in a bit). ;) Around noon, we headed to my dad’s to spend our first Thanksgiving meal with The Ferguson’s!!
The boys, minus BrentO.. Cody, Andy, Aaron, & Brad
See anything missing in that sweet baby boy’s mouth??!! Yep, Brennan lost his FIRST tooth!! Boy got $10 from the toothfairy!! TEN dollars..my toothfairy never gave me 10 bucks for a tooth!!
The Boys, playing a little Thanksgiving Ball..
However, this man, this 70 year old man, SCHOOLED these young’ins..
God Love Em’!!!
Around 2:30ish, Matt and I loaded up and headed to Matt’s parents, to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!! (AKA The Bobo Family Thanksgiving) Ha! You did not misread..Matt’s parents in all good intentions, decided to have a Mexican Fiesta, because they thought we’d all be sick of turkey and dressing by the time we got to their house..ummm, WRONG!! I literally was almost brought to tears when I heard the news!! PawPaw makes the BEST dressing, and it’s something I look forward to every year!! So needless to say, MeeMaw promised we’d never have Mexican again on Thanksgiving! ;) {It actually was really good though} but their children, were none to pleased!! :)
this was the only picture I got of the Bobo Fiesta, I sooo wish I had taken pictures of the spread! We spent the evening watching football and playing games, and left oooo so late around 11!! What a great Thanksgiving we had; So blessed to be surrounded and loved by such an amazing family!!
On Friday, Matt was off to golf, AGAIN, while I drove to Mel’s, grabbed her, mom, & Addi, and we all headed off for Shreveport. We spent the day braving Black Friday, had lunch at Superior {YUMMY}, and after a looong tiring day, headed back to ViewTown. That evening, I waited for Matt to get home, and Colleen to get into town. We had a full weekend planned, so Colleen came in to stay with us. Around 9ish we set out for the 3rd Annual Young Post-Thanksgiving Bonfire!!
Boo & Ash
Josh & Philip
Boo & Ryan
Josh, Mattie, & Blaine
Colleen & Ryan
Colly & Me
After an even looonger evening, Matt & I, Colleen & Ryan, and Ryan’s friend Brent all ended up at Waffle House in the wee hours of the morning, before calling it a day! Saturday bright and early, I finished up a few last minute errands and details, in preparations of one of my closest and dearest, Ginger’s baby shower, that I along with 5 others were hosting that day! Around noon, I headed back over to Mel’s to set up for the shower, along with Ashley and Ambo! The shower started at 1, and I thought it ended up great!! Lots of girls, lots of yummy treats, and Reese racked up on some awesome gifts!!
The Setup..
The Hostesses..
Mel, Me, Amber, Ginger, Jennifer, Ashley, Kendrah, & Gracie
The Loot..
The Momma!! :)
Seane’s mother Diane, Gin, and Ginger’s mother Belinda
Gin, Kendrah, Me, Ashley, & Colleen
Gracie & Jennifer Madison & Katie
The adorable diaper cake that Ashley made for Reese! Gin, I was honored to help host the shower for you, and I can’t wait to meet that sweet beautiful baby girl..just not on Christmas day!! :)
After the shower, I came home and tried to relax a little, while Matt was out hitting GOLF balls at the range with Blaine, Colleen had already come back to the house and got a good nap in, so once we all got back to the house, we all just sat around before Ryan came over and we left for dinner at Fritz’s. Afterwards, and several failed attempts to make it a movie night, Matt and I called it a night. Sunday was a day of trying to relax, take down my fall stuff, which by the way is still in my living room and not a single Christmas thing has made it’s way up.. Matt and I had lunch at Chili’s, watched a little football, and that was the conclusion of our extended holiday weekend. Today was crazy busy as an apartment complex always is at the first of the month. Here’s looking for a calmer rest of the week, I doubt that’s gonna happen though.. I know the next time I turn around it will be Christmas, and I’m soooo not ready for that!!
Until Next Time!
Awesume... pictures are so good.
Ginger looks so happy and eager to be a new mommy! ...and with all the Fantastic gifts, she is ready.
Ryan and Colleen look like a "Happy New Couple" maybe they have found their niche, together.
Whoa, is that your mom, with the full smile? Love the pic. Thanks for making me do that... I'm gonna try hard to do that more! It's been a long time...
I was just struck by a "mom" thought, while looking again at this post. We as moms spend so very much time and energy on the state of our son's hair... (I know it is triple that on our little girl's beauty locks) ..but my questions now are Why Did We? Just take a double take at the heads of the Ferguson boys..and Matt is one by marriage... They Are SHAVED BALD...OMG...I still get chills up my back sometimes as my little boy, Cody... strolls up to me all grown with a shaved head... where is my angel's hair? So I know that Becky, Barbara and Teresa; all get that same sinking notion... then we quickly let it go... and return to present time and pressing importance...
I just really needed to say this...
And if I put it on FB, CaCa would really pull by FB plugin.
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