Monday, April 5, 2010

Here comes Peter Cottontail..

Easter was this past weekend, and as usual, Matt and I enjoyed a lovely-family-fun-filled weekend! Friday was Brennan’s first T-ball game of the season, and along with Coach Cody, Uncle Matt agreed to help get these 5/6 year olds in tip top shape. Oh. How. FUNNY. it is watching these boys play ball! Brennan moved up to pitcher this year, and unbiasly of course, is the superstar of the team! :)

Getting warmed up:






Game Time:




IMG_0742 H. O. – H. O. M. – H. O. M. E. R. U. N. – HOMERUN, Hit It, Hit It..and he DID!!! :)

..and this is what Addi was doing, while her bubba was hitting a homerun..IMG_0740 oh princess..

Matt..the Coach.. :)IMG_0753





The Rangers won their first game 18-13!! Way to go boys! Must be that good coaching!! ;) Matt has really enjoyed helping Cody coach this year, he’s taken to the boys well, and feels he’s got a knack for this coaching thing. ;) He did catch himself giving one kid some “crazy eyes” during the game, until he quickly remembered..oh, he’s five, and his momma’s watching me!! :)


After the game, Matt & I had dinner, and called it a night.

The next morning, we enjoyed a nice relaxing morning, before hitting the trail for a walk. Yes, I said A WALK, on a SATURDAY!! Last Monday, I decided to start back that ole’ relationship with my frenemy, diet, and try this again. Every day after work, I hit the “workout room” for a walk on the treadmill and biking on the stationary bike. Usually 2 miles.  I’ve had NO cokes, and eating much healthier!! So, Matt wanted to continue my good deed, and mentioned  hitting the trail for a mile and a half trek. {ugh!} After successfully completing it, we grabbed some lunch, stopped by the pet store {just for kicks, folks} and went back home. That evening, we headed to Ginger & Seane’s for some catch-up, and quality time with baby Reese! {yay!} LOVE  us some Richardson’s!!

Easter Sunday, we awoke and headed to church. After the service, our first stop was my aunt Teresa’s for the Ferguson side holiday. After a yummy yummy lunch, we headed out for the kids’ egg hung~


IMG_0774  genius hiding spot dad!

..and they were off..IMG_0777

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IMG_0788Cody, completely cheating, and calling the princess over to eggs!!  


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After the hunt, and some good family time bonding, we headed over to Matt’s parents house for the Bobo side holiday. After some visiting with his parents, the Funder5, Jerry, GG, Morgan & her boyfriend Derek, we had a late lunch, and geared up for our traditional game of NAKED {the funnest game EVER!} which the girls won!! :) Afterwards, we headed out for Clara’s hunt.




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Sadly, it was getting late, so Matt & I headed home, just after 9. Today was absolutely beautiful outside, which only gives me the Summer Time Blues even more. Can’t wait for cookouts by the pool, and lots and lots of late nights!! Hope you and yours had a wonderful Easter holiday. So thankful to remember the true meaning of this holiday. He arose, we are forgiven! What a wonderful day to be a Christian!

Until Next Time..

IMG_0815 Happy Spring!!


mom/missy said...

I can't wait to see my Second, Baseball Pitching Star Athlete! Like Father/Like Son! What a duo, and adding AllStar Matt is another big bonus!!! (the child might be pro BEFORE he's grown... and he looks the part, TOO...

It was a Wonderful Happy Easter!
The pics of Easter Egg Hunt @ Teresa's are S0 G00D... Thanks...
I enjoyed my shopping trip with Princess on Sat nite... First stop was Starbucks... which OF course I Love, she totaly associates that she has to have coffee with me, since I am a Starbuck addict... Then Dillards... let's see... she got 3pr of new shoes and we managed to also get Brennan 2pr... Then a quick trip to Albertson's; where she had to have several things or surely die. Then home, and she was So Excited that we were out later than Mom/Dad/and her bubba. Sunday morning we all
got ready and headed to church...
Cody and family (even Andy's crew)
are testing a new church there in Diana... "First Baptist" It was Fantastic! the preacher is Very Good and Everyone is your friend... attitude! Brennan is sold now on his class, vows not to miss a Sunday in April (to claim a prize/reward) Hey, WhatEver it Takes to get young ones involved in The Church Family, to Last A Lifetime...
I missed seeing you and Matt this weekend, but phone calls abound!
We all had a Nice Easter Weekend!
Family and Praising the Lord.

The Johnstons said...

LOVE these pictures! Especially the ones that show Addi's beautiful, long white hair, Cody coaching (t-ball and the egg hunt!) and Mel running. ;) So glad y'all had a blessed Easter weekend! Looking forward to seeing you real soon!! And love that your mom got me all caught up on the Ferguson Clan! :)