Friday, June 6, 2008

Save a horse, Ride a cowboy..

sticking with my musical themed headlines, this one will make more sense in a bit.

This week, I had the pleasure of keeping addi after school each day. Melanie was in Nashville on a business trip, and Brennan started swimming lessons this week, that Cody took him to each day. It's always a mystery how keeping a one year old is going to go, as I'm sure many of you know, but addi's really into her CaCa right now, (CaCa=me..yeah, I know!) so I didn't worry too much. The first day was VERY emotional for me! Addi moved into her "big girl" class at school that day, which means one nap, eat in the "cafeteria", no paci's, and no sippy cups! I arrived late to pick her up that day, around 5:30..and my poor, sweet, tan, white haired little angel was the very LAST child left..I was heartbroken! She looked so big sitting in the "big class" all by herself. It's amazing how fast they grow up! I was at the verge of tears, and promised her I'd never be late again! :)

Day 1 Photo Shoot:
and I couldn't leave out a picture of bubba picking up his sister!

Day 2: Today Matt, addi, & I went to dinner with Mik, Clay, Christian, Cullen, Clara, and KK (Clay's brother Clint's daughter)..sorry, no pics!

Day 3 Photo Shoot:

CaCa: "Addi, don't take off your shoes and socks.."

Addi: "..."
On this night, Matt, addi, Cody, Brennan, my dad and his wife Donna, and I, attended the 71st annual Gladewater Round-Up Rodeo! For those of you that know me well, you know that this is an annual MUST!! I've always enjoyed going to the rodeo, and I'm excited to be able to carry on this tradition with Addi & Brennan.

Until Next Time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Two gorgeous kids! I love all the new pics!