Monday, December 1, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

..and the countdown begins.. 24 days until Christmas!! :)

Wow..can it really be December already?! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. I love everything about it. The chill in the air, sweaters & scarfs, roaring fires, the feeling of holiday cheer, the lights and decorations, the smells and tastes of holiday treats, get togethers with family and friends, and of course the giving and receiving of..anything!! :)

This past week, was of course Thanksgiving, and the long weekend went by soooo fast! Wednesday was Matt and I's last day of work, and we were eager for the upcoming holiday. Being as how this was our first Thanksgiving as an "official" married couple, we had to decide how we were going to spend the day. Back in the day, I would attend "mine" and he would attend "his", and we'd meet up wherever we could. This year, we decided to spend the morning/early afternoon with my mom and grandfather in Athens, and the late afternoon/evening with Matt's family at his parent's house in Tyler. Since there's only a certain number of hours in the day, we had to miss out on my dad's thanksgiving with his side of the family. I was quite sad to have to miss out on the family time with my dad, but I'll make it up come christmas time!

So, to prepare for my first thanksgiving as a WIFE, I just had to cook something! I decided to make a potato and corn casserole for mom's, and another potato casserole and magic cookie bars, for Matt's..

My casserole's turned out pretty well.. the potato at mom's was a little overcooked, but the magic cookie bars..horrible! H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E~ Did someone forget to tell me that chocolate chips don't melt??!! I kept it cooking, and cooking,'s chocolate, it HAS to melt, so needless to say, everything else in the dish burnt, yuck!

Thanksgiving day turned out to be a wonderful day, and a fantastic first holiday as husband and wife. The morning started off a little rough, when Cody called to say they would not be attending Thanksgiving this year. Addi had picked up the stomach virus, and was sick the entire night before, and t-day rolled around and Brennan caught the bug as well. So, 2 sick kids, and a 2 hour car ride didn't mix well, so they ended up staying home. Matt and I both enjoyed spending time with my mom and Pop, but were sad it went by so fast. My cousin Holley, took pics from this day, but somehow they got sorry, no pics from Athens! maybe next time. We left Athens around 2:45..later than we had hoped, b/c afterall I didn't want to miss kick-off, but luckily Matt and I caught the Cowboy game on the radio, and we arrived at MeeMaw and PawPaw's around 4ish.. Here's some pics from our lovely evening of family, food, football, and cards!!

..oh Jerry..anyone see where Matt get's "it" from?!
Friday was a pure pitiful, cold, rainy, dreary day! Matt and I stayed in for most of the day, and we spent it cleaning and getting out christmas stuff. Saturday, we did much of the same, until Mel came and got me, for a little girl time. We shopped a bit, and headed to her dad's to surprise him with the christmas tree we put up, and the lights Cody had worked on all day, while Matt had his first day of "work!" Matt is now doing something, he swore he'd never do again. --waiting tables--!! The money is so good, and it's cash.. that we decided, we'd speed up our "getting a house" plan a little faster, and he'd wait tables during the week at night, after his "real job", and on the weekends, only when he wants. Sunday, I finally got the christmas tree decorated, while Matt hung around for "moral support."

The Tree!!
(pictures just do not do it justice though, I think I have a beautiful pre-lit, ROTATING, Christmas Tree) :)

..some of my FAVORITE ornaments.. :)

it says "our wedding, 2008"

Great holiday weekend, can't wait for more to come!! Happy Holidays everyone and wishes for a blessed New Year!!

Until Next Time!


Anonymous said...

Attention Everyone!!!
Candy's Thanksgiving Cooking was Fantastic!!!
the casseroles were great!
(don't have a clue about the Magic Bars, I also
thought chocolate was suppose to MELT!, you would
have thought they were M&M's instead of chips...
The day was great, except for missing the other half of my family...
Missy missed her babies!
..sorry is not the misery that poor Holley suffered..
she was crushed about the "magic attack" on her we have...
wonderful memories...
It seems that putting up Christmas Trees must have been the "Good Magic" for this Thanksgiving... the Bobo Tree is beautiful...
(pic of Tree Ferg??? w/Brennan and Addison)

Unknown said...

Good job on the tree...sorry about the cookie bars...maybe next year :) And, how did I know that the Dallas Cowboy ornament would be one of your favorites...

The Johnstons said...

i can't believe your magic cookie bars didn't turn out! ;) on a serious note, i am so, so proud of matt for putting his previous thoughts and his pride aside and taking a job he doesn't really want just to support his "family" and better y'all for the future. what a great husband! just think, if you start waiting tables after your "real" day job y'all could be in a new house even sooner!

Unknown said...

Yes, come visit us and we will go to Chuy's together! I am jealous that you have a Papcitas, though...we go there every visit to LView!