Monday, November 24, 2008

They Call Me the Fireman..

Well.. Matt and I FINALLY saw it! "It" being the movie Fireproof! For sometime now, Matt's parents and Mikki, have been telling us about how great this movie was, and how we HAD to see it BEFORE we got married..well, we didn't quite make the before, but we got it in before it left theatres. I truly don't believe there could possibly be a "bad" time in a marriage to see this fantastic movie. Aside from the fact, that this is a low-budget Christian community made film (so the acting's not the best) this movie touches all the right raw emotions between any husband and wife. I urge anyone reading this, who hasn't seen this movie yet, no matter what stage of marriage your in, to GO SEE IT!! You won't be disappointed.

Everyone needs that reminder of what marriage and the commitment you took before God really means!

Here's a little synopsis of the movie taken from the website:

At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules.

Growing up, Catherine Holt always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter...just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being "good enough" for her husband.

Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks.

As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's father challenges his son to commit to a 40-day experiment: "The Love Dare." Wondering if it's even worth the effort, Caleb agrees-for his father's sake more than for his marriage. When Caleb discovers the book's daily challenges are tied into his parents' newfound faith, his already limited interest is further dampened.

While trying to stay true to his promise, Caleb becomes frustrated time and again. He finally asks his father, "How am I supposed to show love to somebody who constantly rejects me?"When his father explains that this is the love Christ shows to us, Caleb makes a life-changing commitment to love God. And with God's help he begins to understand what it means to truly love his wife.

But is it too late to fireproof his marriage? His job is to rescue others. Now Caleb Holt is ready to face his toughest job ever...rescuing his wife's heart.

My dear friend, and matron of honor, Holly gave me "The Love Dare" as a wedding gift, the day before my wedding. It means so much more now that I've seen the movie, and it's something I will cherish, use, and re-use for years to come!! Thanks Smalls! :)

We've got just about 3 days left now until Thanksgiving. Oh how I'm looking forward to the long weekend, but more than that, just some great quality time with family and friends. I've got so much to be thankful for this year, and with the holidays rolling around, I just ask that you take a sec, and remember the true reason for the season! :) God is great, and I am blessed~

Until Next Time!


Mikki said...

I am still wanting to get that book!!! I have just not made time to get it and put it in action!! I am so thankful you guys saw the movie!! It is so very true and is very close to the raw emotions that occur in marriage through the hardships that occur and the blessings that come from working through them....only the best relationships come through that hard work!!! God does bless those that follow Him!! Love you!! See you Thursday!!

Anonymous said...

"You make me so proud," and
thankful that hopefully I
did not cause too much damage with my mistakes. You and your brother have the strength and hearts; to live and share your lives in the true,
LOVE DARE of marriage...
and for that Gift, I am Proud...and Very Thankful.
God gives us all gifts;
He gave me:
Cody and Candy
Melanie and Matt
and my Special Little Ones
Brennan and Addison
and since it's Thanksgiving
I get to say, "Thank You God; You did good, Real Good"

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree with you more...the moment we saw the was on my blog! What a blessing!

The Cramer's said...

Ok, I guess I am off to see it now. Our pastor tried to get a bunch of us to go after church the other night, but my husband wasn't in the mood. The church is to the point that if any couples will go, they will even pay. So now I have your positive thoughts to add so I guess we will see it before it leaves on Thanksgiving. Better hurry I guess!

Lulu's Journey said...

It was a great movie. I ran right out and bought the book. Although I think Allen and I have a great marriage, you can always try to "perfect" things.... 5 thumbs up on this blog!!!!

The Johnstons said...

happy belated anniversary! time sure does fly by! can't wait to see all the wedding pics. glad you enjoyed the movie, and i hope the book comes in handy! sad i missed you in longview!