Thursday, November 6, 2008

Trick or Treat, smell my feet..

Since Matt and I had other obligations on Halloween, aka. our honeymoon..We missed out on one of my very favorite holidays! I am slight "OCD" about holidays and of Matt's greatest pet peeves about me.. :) and I was soooo sad, not to have decorated or gotten to celebrate this year. One of the things I am most looking forward to as a married couple, is to one day, hold annual haunted houses at our "house". So since I didn't have a first-hand Halloween post, I decided to at least post some pics (thanks Mel & Mik) of all my babies getting ready for Halloween, and in their costumes!

Carving Pumpkins..
Cody, Casey, Sammy, Demi, Brennan & Addi

Spiderman & Superwoman!! :)
Christian and Cullen were "football fans", while little miss Clara was a dragonfly! :)

I only wish I had a pic of the boys (Jake, Luke, & Mac) from Halloween..I'm really gonna have to work on Case to get on the pics, perhaps a blog of her own, something!! : )So glad to see even though I wasn't here to celebrate, Halloween fun lived on! Can't wait for next year!!

Until Next Time!
Have a boootiful day!


The Johnstons said...

you did not just type "bootiful" day...oh my! all your kiddos are so cute, of course. call me when you get a chance!

Anonymous said...

Get ready BoboBloggers... She did just give fair warning for future Halloweens... Big Poppa&I, Mike&BB, and Teresa&Gary.. we were the original Ferguson Spookers... all taught and coached by Joe and PaPa Elmer... The 6 rugrats (Andy,Aaron,Cody,Candy,Brad and Brent) all grew up thinking the "Spookhouse" was the "Best Funhouse" ever created...
and it was Candy,who always cryed when it was dismantled every year. So she has always been "Hallocrazed" and will be "Uncontrollable Fun" for all future Bobo Halloween Haunts...
this explains why her momma gave her a special Halloween prize on her wedding day, knowing she was going to be "away"... So, yall get ready "Bobo Boooos" have been promised.