Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunday, Monday, Happy Days!! Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days!!

Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a HUGE television junkie!! {don't judge}
I have no children to take care of, therefore I spend my nights with my hubby and the TV! Saturday, is the only day of the week, I don't have something I watch. Hallelujah and Amen for the invention of Tivo!! If not for that, I quite possibly could live as a shut-in!

This week has been extra enjoyable in the land of the tube, and I felt compelled to share my thoughts with you all. ;)

We will start with:

What a wonderful start for the week!
On a perfect day, this day would start out with my favorite guys on TV!
Curt, Terry, Howie, Michael, and Jimmy!! I LOVE the Fox NFL guys!! So funny, yet so informative! My perfect Sunday would be followed by hours and hours of glorious NFL football at 12, 3, & 7!! Hope for a Cowboy win..and then proceed to..

I have to admit this show is usually a hit or miss for me..with their outrageous story lines, it sometimes makes me question how even I can stand to tune in each week!! Everything is right in the world again, when nine o' clock rolls around, and I get to watch this..

I LOVE this show! L-O-V-E!! As left-wing as Sally Field is, I still can't help but to think of her as my favorite mother M'Lynn in Steel Magnolias! love. this. show!

Every weekday starts out with a noon showing of one of my many guilty pleasures..
shameful, I know! I don't even know when or how I became addicted to this show! Soaps have a way of sucking you in..and how outlandish are these story's not until I begin to tell someone something that happened on the show, and I can hear the words that are actually coming out of my mouth, that I realize how ludicrous the behavior that goes on in these shows really are!! But somehow they get me every time! :)

At four..who else, but..

Oprah definitely takes up the most space on my Tivo box. I get to her shows when I can..some right away, some not for months! There are many opinions out there on this little lady, but I still have love for her! We may not always agree on things, but alot of her shows are sooo worth watching!

Lately my Monday nights have been consumed by one, and only one show!

This whiny, no good, sorry excuse for a man! Anyone that's on facebook, knows my deepest thoughts for The Bachelor's, Jason Meznick! At first, he had me. What a wonderful, caring, loving man he was. Heartbroken only to find love. Yuck!! After the stunt he pulled with these two..

I want nothing more to do with him!! He followed his heart, blah blah blah!! Loser! Many things have been said about how the show is completely scripted, everyone was "in" on it, they did it for the ratings..but I refuse to believe Texas's own, Melissa, would stoop to that level! Anyone that doesn't know what I'm talking, must have been living under a rock, and I wouldn't even know where to begin to fill you in! Even Matt keeps up with The Bachelor!! :)
I know I'll crush some souls by saying this, but I can't wait to watch..
Jillian!! As the next Bachelorette, on May 18th!! I just can't boycott it.. I just can't! And, a sidenote to those still actually reading this post..SURPRISE- I am going to name my daughter Jillian! I've been stuck on that name for quite sometime now -sucks I have to let my name out now- but I just had to share before the rumors start spreading. . so first things first, NO I am not pregnant, but if I was and had a girl, I would NOT be naming my unborn child after The Bachelorette!

Whew! Still on Monday!!
An all time favorite..and a girl's complete method for birth control..
I love me some Jon & Kate plus 8!! I love how REAL Jon and Kate are.. you just can't make that stuff up! The way they bicker and pick on eachother like real couples do.. but still have that unconditional love for eachother, is soo great to see! Aaden is my favorite!!
(What? They're not my kids; I can play favorites.)

Another of my guilty pleasure's, wraps up Monday nights..
The City!! Urrrr, that Olivia really gets under my skin! She did NOT pick the Elle Cover wardrobe..Whitney did!!! ;)

..and when in season, you KNOW I watch..

The Hills! ..because I secretly want to be LC's best friend! I can play act too!! ;)

My weeknights always end with the best newscast around..
The new 90210! I was such a fan of the old one, I even had the "theme song" as my back up music on my answering machine, back in the good ole' days!! dork! I HAD to check out the new one, and of hooked- chalk it up to another one on the list! Beautiful, spoiled rich, drama filled teenagers..who wouldn't love it??!!
and of know I faithfully watch..
American Idol!! This amazing hour packed thrill ride of a show is positively one of the greatest things on earth! I love it! From the auditions to Hollywood week to the it! This year's favorite's of mine include, from group 1..

Danny Gokey!! This boy can sing..and anyone that's been through what he has, at such a young age, deserves a chance..right??

Jasper, Texas boy- Michael Sarver! I don't think he's fantastic, but I had to root for the Texas boy!
and my wildcard pick from this group..
I love me some Anoop Dogg!! sooo hope he comes back!

from group 2..
Adam Lambert! He was one of my faves through Hollywood week, and I rooted for him when he was picked..HOWEVER, I recently came across this photo..
MY EYES- MY EYES!!! I don't exactly know how I feel now, sick..dirty..well you'll see. I decided to share this with the rest of the blogworld, so I'm not the only one scarred for goes.. Adam on the left..
thoughts??..feelings??..there are no words.

and..who doesn't love this guy..
Nick Mitchell..aka Norman Gentle!! H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!! Laugh out loud funny!

and my wildcard pick from this group..

Matt Giraud!! I really REALLY like this guy, and hope he comes back too!!

from group 3 ( I thought this group was the best, and liked several of them!)
Lil Rounds! This girl has got IT!! Hands down, stop the it! It will certainly be interesting to see..

Scott MacIntyre! Oh my goodness, pass the Kleenex!! I boohooed (really I did) What a fantastic inspiration this guy is..I hope he does well!

I voted for Kendall Beard, the Lufkin Texas gal, again with the Texas support, however I don't think she'll make it.. I also voted for Kristen McNamara and the bring back girl Felicia Barton, I thought she was really good as well. Lastly, Arianna Afsar
cute as a button girl. I had my eye on her since auditions..she's a doll and I thought she had a great voice, but I don't know if she'll make it either..
How bout that for an American Idol wrap-up??!!

followed by..
The Real World- Brooklyn! Another guilty pleasure..this might be the worst! I shame!

Reality-free, hour-long drama filled fantastic Thursday! One of my favorite nights!
I've been a fan of this one from the start! Sadly, it has lost it's value over time..but I'm still a dedicated watcher.
Another good one.. and finally...

An oldie..but SUCH a goodie!! I have been a faithful follower from the beginning watching this with my momma.. This year is it's last year, and ohhh how good it's been!! So sad to see this one go, but am loving all the old character's coming back!!

Friday- If you don't watch're missing out.. sooo good! I was sooo upset when this show switched to Dish, that I watched every episode now that it's come back to NBC, I've already seen all the episodes!! So-technically Friday's are open!! woohoo! ;)

Another reason my Friday's are now technically open is because of the cancellation, of maybe my favorite show..
did you watch this? did you love it? I so did!!

Whew Again! This concludes my TV lineup. After seeing how long that took me, perhaps I watch too much televison..?? NAH!! :) Are any of my favorites, your favorites? Or better yet, is there something I'm missing out on??!! It can't possibly be!

Just for laughs..I'll let yall in on what Matt watches ALLweek long, all day long..

Until Next Time!!
I know yall just can't wait! ;)


The Johnstons said...

Oh. my. gosh. I got tired just reading that list! Perhaps you do spend a little too much time watching t.v.

Sunday - love me some football...can't stand the other two shows, I watch Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice

Monday - you know I used to watch AMC but had to give it up...those story lines are ridiculous, UGH can't stand Oprah, Jason was just wrong, and I am not excited about Jillian being the next Bachelorette...I would have preferred a Melissa or Molly or someone cuter, need to remember Jon and Kate and The City and watch, love The Hills...and Dancing starts next week

Tuesday - nothing can compare to the original 90210 and I definitely don't watch the new one, all about Idol..many of the same faves like Danny and Anoop, we also watch The Biggest Loser on Tuesdays

Wednesday - cannot believe you're watching Real World and admitting you realize you're almost 30?!?

Thursday - I (reluctantly) still watch Grey's but get more disgusted with it every week, don't watch the others but we always tune in to The (hilarious) Office

No Friday or Saturday shows for us! Now you know our t.v. viewing schedule!!

Now turn off that t.v. and get to some zumba! ;)

Lulu's Journey said...

I'm starting to think that we are really sisters... I am caught up in so much of that "drama" as well.... But... you can bet I will NOT be watching the Bachelorette!!! I know... but I can't give them one more rating... and oh how I LOVE me some McDreamy!!!! sinful thoughts right now!!! hahhaha

The Tenner Family said...

Two things:
1. I was not prepared for the pic of Adam. I am now, like you, momentarily scarred!

2. I like how you introduced your love for the blind guy with: "It will certainly be interesting to SEE...Scott McIntyre." Too bad he can't. Geez, Candy, how about a little empathy??? JK!

Anonymous said...

and you are my child?

Sunday is God and NASCAR.
even if by way of Tivo...
I go with "Brothers and
Sisters" the BEST on TV...
and then all the way to Thursday;
now I have to watch
"The Beast" (new,
Patrick Swazee FBI show,
GREAT!!) and Tivo, "ER"
yo momma is gonna miss her
ER... thankfully replaced
with Sally's Sunday nite hit!!!