Wednesday, June 10, 2009

All by Myself..

was exactly what I was this past weekend!!

Thursday evening, one of Matt’s best-friend’s Buddy, drove over to our apt., so that him and Matt could head off for their exciting weekend.. Them, along with 18 of their nearest and dearest were all heading to New Braunfels for Josh Y’s bachelor party! Oh how I wanted to go and float the river with them, but unfortunately, this was a NO girls weekend!! ;) I hadn’t planned anything for myself for the weekend, so I just played it by ear, for the days to follow. On Friday, I decided to order in and have a movie marathon. On the agenda..

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What a WORNG, horrible, awful, morbidly depressing, bitter movie, NOT what you would want to watch all by yourself!! Luckily, I followed it with Renee’s movie, therefore diverting me, from slitting my own wrists, or hanging myself in the closet! UGH!

Saturday, I headed over to Cody and Mel’s for my first official Fun in the Sun days of Summer!!! Glorious I tell you! I soooo enjoyed hanging out with the kids for the day, and gettin’ my tan on! ;)


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The highlight of the day had to be this..


My sweet little girl, SWIMMING!!! Addi has NEVER been one to get in the water and swim..she’s more of the, walk around the pool in my swimsuit and flops/heels/ballerina shoes ;) and look pretty! She’s such a prissy girl, and getting hot and wet, never has interested her, until now! All it took was her CaCa getting in the water with her, showing her a little “tough-love” and teaching her she really can float and swim by herself! Cody & Mel have had her in “swimming lessons” the last two summers, but she’s still young enough, to where they don’t really just let em’ loose at that age..oh, but I did!! :) She did such a good job, and best yet, wanted to swim back and forth, again and again. I even had her jumping in a little by the end of the day! Mel was so thrilled that Addi was actually in the water, utilizing their investment! ;)

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We had her, “put a bubble in it”, as they say at school, while she swam, because she couldn’t stop smiling and laughing, and so she was constantly getting water in her mouth!


We all enjoyed the rest of the afternoon swimming and visiting. Cody made homemade ice cream, and cooked us all some hamburger and hotdogs on his new..


If you know my brother at all, you KNOW how excited he is about his new purchase.. What a dork! I think he even shed a tear a little, after cooking, when noticing his grill was dirty!! ;)


Such a fun afternoon! I can’t wait for many more this Summer!! After the kiddos had pretty well worn themselves out, we headed over to Andy and Casey’s. They had a few friends over, so she cooked us some more hamburger’s, and we hung out there the rest of the evening.


I headed home that night, and slept in the next morning. I had a pretty good burn from the day before, so I decided it best to better stay inside the rest of the day. Matt made it home around 6ish, and I spent the rest of the evening, listening to Matt and Buddy tell me how much fun they had at the river! I sent a camera with Matt so he could capture all the fun activities, him and the guys had, and all he came back with was this..wicked cool pic, but just this.. securedownload

Some of the other guy’s took some pics, so hopefully I’ll be able to snag a couple, for your viewing pleasure! ;)

..and, that’s about it from last weekend, very excited for the wedding next weekend, and happy to have the husband home!

Until Next Time!!


Unknown said...

Girl, I know the feeling of wanting your man at home. Shawn is gone for four days in San Angelo. So, like you, we've just been keeping busy. Glad you had some fun things to planned in his absence :)

Team Green said...

I was really proud of you when reading about Addi's accomplishment! What a good aunt! We were at alley fest when you text and went out to the lake afterward. The parents had some friends out. The "girls" and hubbies. Headed home early around 6 to put exhausted kiddos to bed and turn in for church the next morning. love you.

mom/missy said...

Fantastic Picture of you and Addi in the pool...
and I love the pic of Cody
showing His New Kitchen...