Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lightning Crashes!!

Good Golly Miss Molly!!! Thank You Jesus, We’re Alive!!

Sticking with tradition, last night Matt and I, Dad and Donna, Cody-Mel-Brennan & Addi, attended the 72nd Annual Gladewater Round-Up Rodeo! Cody was running a little late coming back from out of town for work, so Matt and I headed over to my dad’s to hitch a ride with them, grab some dinner, before the action began. We met up with Cody & Fam at the Rodeo, and headed in. First stop, horse rides for bubba!



Can’t you just tell she’s in a wonderful mood??!!


Princess was having nothing to do with her CaCa last night, so the rest of us headed into the arena!


The rodeo began, just like any other.. as I sat on pins and needles waiting for my two favorite events, barrel racing & bull riding!





About an hour and a half or so into the event, we all began to notice the sky turning darker and the winds picking up..we could see lightning off in the distance, but we didn’t fear. We had all watched the weather beforehand, and thought that the storm would be hitting sometime after 11 or so.. About 20 minutes later, the announcer came across the speaker and told everyone that a storm was drawing near, faster than anticipated, and with wind gusts between 50-60 mph. He informed us all that the rodeo was going to proceed, but that people were told basically to stay “at their own risk”..within 45 seconds at best, a HUGE bolt of lightning lit up the entire mind you, we are all SURROUNDED by METAL bleachers!!! At least half of the crowd got up that instant and began departing.. Of course, I wanted to stay, for I had yet to see my two favorite events! Dad wanted to stay in the hopes, that he would win a free pair of boots (which he did) which Mel quickly chimed in to say, “What’s he gonna do, wear them at his funeral when we all get electrocuted out here??!!” We watched the incredible light show for another ten minutes or so..

Last year..


This year..


Until..Terror rang out. HUGE bolts of lightning, earth shaking thunder. It was so sureal.  It didn’t help knowing where we were, and what we were surrounded by. You could see the panic quickly set in-- Mel-then Matt-then Brennan-then Cody-then Me..and we were OUT of there!!!!


So SO sad, that I missed my favorite events, but thankful to be alive. Not 2 minutes of us reaching the car, did the bottom fall out..It was a pretty scary ride home too. The wind and rain were unbelievable!

So, better luck next year for the good ole’ Round-Up Rodeo--

Until Next Time!!


Mikki said...

Great pics!! Scary stuff!! You know my opinion on the rodeo anyway....=(

The Johnstons said...

Oh, the Gladewater Rodeo. Glad y'all made it out of there safely. Great picture of the lightning. We're going to head that way in the morning...or when we get ready and packed!

mom/missy said...

My angels look like they have been drug to the event and then tortured...
We must improve on rodeo memories or the tradition will not be lasting...