Sunday, January 4, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

How hilarious is my musical themed headline!! I have not a clue what it means, nor did I even know the actual title of this song, but after searching "New Years Eve" songs, this is what popped up the most..That song about..Should old acquaintance be forgot.. YOU know!! I the only person in blogworld that didn't??!! makes me laugh inside!

So this NYE, we traveled to Diana, otherwise known as "The Ferguson Compound" for our second annual New Years Eve Bash.. This year the festivities were held at Andy and Casey's house, and we had a great evening with friends, lots of laughs, and lots of fun. Here are a couple of pics from the evening~

The Bonfire!Ginger~Casey~Mel~Amber

I just like my brother's facial expression in this cody!

Cuz Aaron & Amanda

Cody & great childhood friend Ryan

Mel & Sally

Ping-Pong was definitely the game of choice for the night, and let me tell you.. my husband was on FIRE!! He beat every guy there that night.. 9 in a row to be exact!! Way to go Mattie- I was so proud!! :)

..and when I said every guy, I meant every guy..and that included my brother. For anyone that knows Cody well..this did NOT go over well with Mr. Competitor himself! Luckily he was able to redeem himself, by playing Matt again last, and won... but geez..Matt was just worn out!! ;)

Chad & Mike, Ringing in the New Year~

Matt & I's pathetic excuse for a New Years pic!

I'll take an excerpt out of Rascal Flatt's song "My Wish" to sum of my hopes for us all for the New Year..

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too.
I hope you never look back, but you never forget, All the ones who love you, in the place you left, I hope you always forgive, and you never regret, And you help somebody every chance you get, Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake, And always give more than you take.

Here's to a great 2009!!

Until Next Time!

1 comment:

The Johnstons said...

Wow, super impressed with the Rascal Flatts lyrics ending. Very touching. You do have it in with those Christmas boxes...way to go!!! ;) Wish I could have been at the NYE party!! Maybe next year...